5 Indoor Air Quality Tips for Pet Owners in Fort Myers, FL
Pets can improve your life and even help you live longer, but they can also wreak havoc on the indoor air quality (IAQ) in your Fort Myers, FL home. Here are five tips for improving your air quality if you own pets.
1. Groom Your Pets
Regular grooming cuts down on the dander and pet hair floating around your home. Try to brush your furry pets at least once a week and bathe them on a regular basis. If you have a cat, clean the litter box daily, and replace the litter every week.
2. Change the Filter
Along with scheduling routine maintenance, change your filters regularly. Filters capture small particles from the air, but they push some of those particles back into the environment when they become clogged. Changing and replacing the filters at least every three months will aid in improving your IAQ.
3. Vacuum Floors and Furnishings Often
Vacuuming is an effective way to reduce the particles in your home that affect your IAQ, especially if you have one with a filtration unit. Make time to vacuum at least once a week. A hand-held vacuum comes in handy if you have hard surfaces, such as wood or tile floors.
4. Add UV Lights
UV lights are a smart way to kill bacteria. Your HVAC technician can install a UV light, usually by the indoor coils in the air handler where condensation accumulates. This condensation can be a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria, sometimes brought into the house by pets.
5. Wipe Down Your Pets
If any of your pets spend time outside, wipe them down before they come inside. Keep old towels by the front door so that you can give them a thorough once-over to remove any debris that clings to them. Even small particles like leaves or twigs can worsen your IAQ.
In addition to taking the steps outlined above, our HVAC professionals can give you more advice to improve your IAQ. Contact us at Spectrum Air Conditioning and Refrigeration for all the help you need to improve your indoor air quality in Fort Myers and the surrounding area.
Image provided by iStock
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