3 Signs That Mean Your AC in Lee County, FL, Is Inefficient
Every part of your air conditioning system has an anticipated lifespan or breaking point. Eventually, as your AC system ages, its components become less efficient and often break down. Below are three signs of an inefficient AC in your Lee County, FL, home.
The Utility Bills Have Increased
During summer, when you must keep the AC running for an extended period, you might notice an increase in your monthly energy bill. Air conditioning systems are subject to normal wear and tear, which reduces their efficiency ratings over time.
That doesn’t mean the utility bills should double regardless of how long you run the air conditioning. If you’re seeing larger electricity bills than ever before, it most likely means your AC is malfunctioning.
The leading cause of a malfunctioning AC is a faulty component that forces the machine to work harder and use more energy. You should call for AC repair to get any defective parts replaced or repaired. A professional air conditioning technician will also review the system for additional issues that need to be corrected.
The HVAC Repairman Has Become Your Frequent Guest
After thorough annual maintenance and regular tune-up, air conditioning systems should operate efficiently for quite a while before they need any other service. However, when an HVAC system becomes faulty, you’ll experience regular breakdowns and inefficient heating and cooling. That means you will have to call your HVAC technician frequently.
Regular repairs may not add life to an HVAC system nearing the end of its useful existence. They force other HVAC parts to work harder than they should. So, if your HVAC is old, it may be a a better investment to replace the system that to repair it.
The AC Takes Long to Heat or Cool Your Home
An inefficient AC system usually indicates that repairs are needed for it to function efficiently. Unless faulty or aged parts are replaced or leaks in coils are fixed, your AC will not reach your desired cooler temperature.
Are you tired of paying too much for electricity? Contact our technicians at Spectrum Air Conditioning and Refrigeration for premium AC repair and maintenance services. We’re committed to total customer satisfaction and always strive to give our customers good value for their money.
Image provided by iStock
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